Family Vacation

50 Easy National Parks Trivia Questions And Answers

A Picture Collage of different national parks in the United States
Source : thefamilynation

National Parks Trivia Questions And Answers listed here are used to test your knowledge about the national parks in the US. Such trivia provides fun family time.

A national park is a park specifically used for conservation purposes and is created and/or protected by the government. These locations possess great natural beauty, amazing geological characteristics, unthinkably diverse ecosystems, and most of all, are great places for recreation.

In total, the United States has 63 national parks which are operated by the National Park Service.

It is the best decision to visit a national park as far as classic American vacations get started. Found in over 30 states, these beautiful parks stretch for millions of acres, making them great places to visit.

Kids love asking questions more than anything. Trivia nights or games are all about questions which can make a nice family time. Previously we have made a similar list for Nurses Week trivia.

So, to experience the best national parks trivia game here we have made a collection of trivia questions and answers.

Easy National Parks Trivia Questions And Answers

National Parks trivia questions and answers are a fun way to gather knowledge regarding the facts related to the parks. 

Here are some of the easy national parks questions that can be asked to the kids.

Along with the game, this is the best way to analyze your children's interest in the national park and how much they are known about the facts about it.

1. Question: What was the first national park in America?

  • Answer: Yellowstone National Park

2. Question: What is the smallest national park?

  • Answer: Hot Springs in Arkansas

3. Question: Where is the Everglades National Park located?

  • Answer: Florida

4. Question: For the world's largest tree by volume which national park is home?

  • Answer: Sequoia National Park

5. Question: What national park reaches into three states?

  • Answer: Yellowstone

6. Question: Alaska has how many national parks?

  • Answer: 8

7. Question: What state contains the most national parks?

  • Answer: California

8. Question: What is the most visited national park?

  • Answer: The Great Smoky Mountains National Park

The mesmerizing sunset view of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Source : aarp

9. Question: In all of the 62 national parks which is the least visited one?

  • Answer: Gates of the Arctic National Park and Reserve, Alaska.

10. Question: Which national park has the deepest lake in the U.S.?

  • Answer: Crater Lake

11. Question: What causes the blue haze for which Great Smoky Mountains National Park is named?

  • Answer: Plants

12. Questions: In 1916 which president signed the National Park Service?

  • Answer: Woodrow Wilson

13. Questions: What is the highest number of visits Yellowstone has recorded in a single year?

  • Answer: About 4.86 million in 2021

14. Which national park includes the largest wilderness area east of the Mississippi River?

  • Answer: Everglades (Florida)

15. The most massive single mountain on Earth is situated in which national park?

  • Answer: Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii)

Hard Questions For Adults

Here are some sets of hard questions for adults. This is the perfect trivia game while you are thinking about a trip to a national park.

16. Question: What is the number of mature giant sequoia trees in Yosemite National Park's Mariposa Grove?

  • Answer: 500

17. Question: Longmire, Washington, is the starting point for which hiking trail that takes visitors through Mount Rainier National Park?

  • Answer: Wonderland Trail

18. Question: The lowest point in the Western Hemisphere is 282 feet below sea level and is located in Death Valley National Park. What is the name of this basin?

  • Answer: Badwater Basin

19. Question: How many states does the Appalachian National Scenic Trail pass through?

  • Answer: This consisted of Tennessee, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and New York.

20. Question: Which department oversees the U.S. National Parks Service?

  • Answer: Department of the Interior

Reflection of tall trees and rolling mountains in the still waters of Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park
Source : usatoday

21. Question: How many paid employees are there in the U.S. national park system?

  • Answer: 20,000

22. Question: Who was the only U.S. President to work as a park ranger?

  • Answer: Gerald R. Ford

23. Question: What shape is the emblem of the National Park Service?

  • Answer: Arrowhead

24. Question: In what year did the arrowhead become the official emblem of the National Parks?

  • Answer: 1951

25. Question: Which President from the United States has a park named after them?

  • Answer: Theodore Roosevelt

26. Question: What was the Acadia National Park named initially?

  • Answer: Lafayette National Park

27. Question: How many visitors hit up the U.S. national parks each year?

  • Answer: More than 270,000,000

28. Question: How small is the smallest national park in the United States?

  • Answer: 0.02 square miles (0.05 square kilometers)

29. Question: During peak season which national park has banned nearly all vehicles from its roads?

  • Answer: Zion Canyon

30. Question: Yellowstone National Park's geothermal Morning Glory Pool has changed color over the years. What is responsible for the change?

  • Answer: Trash

Fun And Creepy National Park Questions

This set of creepy and fun facts about National Parks will amaze you and other players as well. You may not have even imagined that these things are real.

So, here is the set of trivia questions that you must read.

31. Question: What is the name of the National Park where 60 UFOs have been spotted since 2000?

  • Answer: Great Sand Dunes

32. Question: Which national park encompasses Mammoth Cave and is the longest cave system known in the world?

  • Answer: Mammoth Cave National Park

33. Question: America's most visited national park Great Smoky Mountains is home to the legend of?

  • Answer: Spearfinger, a witch

34. Question: Who haunts the Transept Trail at Grand Canyon National Park?

  • Answer: Wailing Woman

35. Question: What can be heard screaming at night in the New Jersey Pinelands National Park?

  • Answer: The Jersey Devil

36. Question: The ghost of Stephen Bishop a slave is said to make occasional appearances in which national park?

  • Answer: Mammoth Cave National Park

37. Question: Which national park has 150 years of human history and has also hosted a ghost?

  • Answer: Yellowstone National Park

38. Question: In which national park you may hear mountains and ghosts calling?

  • Answer: Yosemite National Park

39. Question: Which park is the home to the famously haunted Stanley Hotel where author Stephen King got his inspiration for the novel The Shining?

  • Answer: Rocky Mountain National Park

40. Question: Which park features more ghost towns than actual towns?

  • Answer: Death Valley National Park

41. Question: Which park has a rock which looks like a skull?

  • Answer: Joshua Tree National Park

42. Question: Which park has many pillars that look like popsicles or male anatomical parts?

  • Answer: Arches National Park

Marching Men Erosional features of Arches National Park
Source : flickr

43. Question: Which park looks like half of a McDonald's logo or a giant urinal?

  • Answer: Gateway Arch National Park

44. Question: The Devil's Garden Trail is an iconic hike in which national park?

  • Answer: Arches National Park

45. Question: Which national park is home to the highest paved road in the United States?

  • Answer: Rocky Mountain National Park

46. Question: Great Sand Dunes of which park has the tallest sand dunes in all of North America?

  • Answer: Colorado National Park

47. Question: Which park has the style of historic red buses called Jammers?

  • Answer: Glacier National Park

48. Question: In which national park do we can hear spirit howl?

  • Answer: Grand Canyon National Park

49. Question: Which park concerns the haunting of an evil witch named Spearfinger?

  • Answer: Great Smoky Mountains National Park

50. Question: Which park is known for the home to ghost forests and deadly glacial slits?

  • Answer: Kenai Fjords National Park

NEXT: Famous Mothers Trivia Questions and answers.